Tree pruning involves the removal of unwanted tree branches to improve tree structure and health, improve the appearance of the tree, or do away with any safety risks to the public. It’s, however, important to note that pruning should be done properly to avoid any detrimental effects on the tree health and appearance. This is an exercise that should be carried out by experienced and well-trained professionals, such as the team at http://www.treeloppingipswich.com.au
Each cut you make on a tree has the potential of changing the growth and health of the tree. You shouldn’t, therefore, remove any tree branch without reason. It’s always recommended to hire an arborist to help determine the type or method of pruning that’s necessary to ensure the safety of your trees and improve their health and appearance. When it comes to tree lopping, tree branches or stems are cut between the branch unions. It’s a damaging activity that often disfigures a tree and can result in decay in major parts of the wood.
One of the questions homeowners are always faced with is whether or not there’s an acceptable form of lopping a tree. This is because many lopped trees often become unsafe as soon as the new branches develop. The fact that you’re removing more than 50 percent of a tree’s canopy means that the tree will starve off the food that’s usually generated by the leaves. When choosing a tree service company, consider finding one that has the qualifications and experience necessary to improve your tree’s health and appearance. Here are some of the acceptable forms of tree lopping.
Hedging is alternative pruning technique that can help reduce the spread or height of a tree. It’s a method that most homeowners don’t know is a form of tree lopping. It involves cutting hedges in between branch unions to keep shrubs and hedges healthy. It’s acceptable because this is how you keep your hedges healthy. Experts recommend trimming hedges biannually, annually, or every two years.
Pollarding is a pruning technique that involves cutting tree branches back nearly to the tree truck. This pruning technique allows the tree to develop a dense mass of branches. It’s often done to keep trees from overgrowing its bounds. Some use this method for aesthetics purposes. Pollarding is something you have to start on a young tree before continuing with the process throughout the life of the tree. It allows for increased air circulation while keeping the trees in a comfortable size within your property.
It’s recommended to carry out pollarding during winter when it’s easier to notice the tree structure. The tree experiences less stress at this time due to the lower level of sap. The threat of diseases and pests is also reduced at this time. Some of the trees that undergo this pruning technique include Crepe Myrtle, Rubinia Mop Top, and Manchurian Pear.
Note that tree lopping is a pruning technique that has its own purpose and it’s important that it’s performed by a professional arborist. Seek professional help before undertaking any pruning project.